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Dildos / Huge Dildos
7/22/2015TO THE BALLS!!!!!I have been fucking really large dildos for quite sometime now and this one was one of my first huge ones. The head of this dildo is pretty big , like 2.75" thick. I love how it feels when it pops in my hole. This dildo is pretty flimsy , will not stand up on its own and its best to have a partner feed it to you. My girlfriend likes to put me on all fours at the corner of the bed ,with my ass high up as it will go and she will pop the head in and out real fast and then start feeding all the in and then yanks it out fast !!!! She likes to look down in my hole when is open. This dildo is a pretty nice fuck but you better have your hole loose to get the head in.i usually fuck a smaller one before I take this one in. And last thing , the vibrations :-). Yes yes yes , Ummm. I would pop it in laying in bed and then sit up while I hold in in with feet while I watch porn, then turn on the vibrators and omfg!!! Cum would start oozing out of my 9" hard throbbing cock!!!! Unfortunately one of the vibrators stopped working after a month and could not get another one under warrenty. Overall it's a nice fuck if you like really huge dildos like me.